Religious minister

Religious Minister (Imam)


By the 149184/Θ1/3-11-2020 decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Mr. Zaki Sidi Mohamed was appointed to the position of Muslim religious minister (Imam) at the Islamic Mosque of Athens for two years. 

Ministerial Decision on the appointment of an Imam

  • Υ.A. 149184/Θ1 - 03/11/2020

Responsibilities of the religious minister:

Until the adoption of the prescribed decisions by the Management Board, the Religious Minister shall exercise the following responsibilities:

a) The powers and duties of the Muslim Religious Minister (Imam) shall be limited to the responsibility for the conduct of prayers, religious ceremonies and the internal operation of the Mosque, so as to facilitate the satisfaction of the worship needs of Muslims living in Attica,

b) the performance of his religious duties using the sacred language of the Quran and Greek;

c) otherwise, exercising the above duties and offering his services to the organized Muslim communities living in Attica, to which the Mosque has been granted for private limited use, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4b of Article 5 of Law 3512/2006, as amended, if requested by them. 9. Termination and replacement: a) by decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, the term of office of a Muslim Religious Minister (Imam) may be terminated at any time, without compensation, b) until a new one is appointed, in accordance with the procedure set out in this Article, one of his assistants shall perform the duties.

Legislation on the religious minister and the Imam's assistants:

A. par. 6 of Article 350 of Law 4957/2022 (Α΄141):
“1. In the Mosque of Athens, a Muslim religious minister (Imam) is appointed by decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, upon recommendation of the Management Board, for a term of office of two (2) years, which may be renewed. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, on the recommendation of the Management Board, up to two (2) Imam's assistants may be appointed to assist the religious minister (Imam), with a two (2)-year renewable term of office. The Imam and the Imam's assistants shall exercise their powers and duties as religious ministers in order to facilitate the satisfaction of the worship needs of Muslims. They shall offer their services to the Muslim communities to which the Mosque has been granted in accordance with the provisions of Par. 4b of Article 5, if requested by them. The responsibilities and duties of the Muslim religious minister and assistants shall be determined by a decision of the Management Board. By a decision of the Management Board the exact title of the address of the Muslim religious minister and the Imam’s assistants shall be determined.

B. Statute of the L.E.P.L. “Administration Committee of the Mosque of Athens”
Article 114 of Presidential Decree 42/19 (A’ 74):
“1. By decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, a Muslim Religious Minister (Imam) is appointed at the Mosque of Athens, following a recommendation of the Management Board, for a two-year term of office, which may be renewed.
2. The Management Board, four (4) months prior to the expiration of the term of the Muslim Religious Minister (Imam), shall issue a call for expression of interest to Muslims living in Attica to submit an application for expression of interest.
3. The call for expression of interest shall include in particular:
a) the formal and substantive qualifications for the post of Muslim Religious Minister (Imam),
b) the documents proving the qualifications of the candidate,
c) the manner and procedure for evaluation.
4. The call for expression of interest shall be given due publicity.
5. By decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, an unpaid committee shall be established with the task of submitting to the Management Board, within five (5) days, a report as to the religious training of the candidates. The Committee shall be composed of Muslims with appropriate theological knowledge.
6. The competent department shall prepare lists of candidates in accordance with the call for expression of interest referred to in par. 2 and thereafter forward them directly to the Committee referred to in par. 5 and to the Management Board, accompanied with the supporting documents submitted by the candidates.
7. The Management Board in a special meeting within five (5) days after receipt of the list and the report of the Committee of par. 5, shall draw up the recommendation for the selection of the Muslim Religious Minister (Imam), as provided for in Article 6 of Law 3512/2006 (A’ 264), and forward it to the competent Directorate of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, so that the decision of par. 1 shall be issued by the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.”